Friday, December 8

Moon Family Reunion: August 2005

Our family reunion this year combined several events in a two day time span.
First we got together for dinner at Botticellis, then we went home and celebrated Blake's and my birthday. It was the first time we'd been together for our birthdays in several years.

(Below) Mark, me & Rachel

(Below) Rachel & me

(Below)Jacob, Rachel & me.

(Left) Rachel, Jonnie & Jacob

(Left) Kerri, Blake & Jacob

(Left) Blake & I with our birthday cake.

(Below) Opening presents.

(Below) Jonnie & Mark

The next day we celebrated all the kids' birthdays just as we always do!

(Left) Rachel, Leah, Katie & Jacob in their Harley apparel.

(Left) Rachel, Katie, Leah & Jacob in their new outfits.

Then we all went in to the Bronson park to celerate Steve's 50th birthday!

(Below) Jacob introduced everyone to a game called "Nuke-em". It's like volleyball but you catch and throw the ball over the net. If you miss the ball you go out. The first team to have all players go out, loses the game. It was pretty fun!

(Left) Molly with her two kids, Kara & Drew.

(Below) Leah standing on the side lines of Nuke-em. I guess she went out???

(Below) Rachel playing on the playscape.

(Below) Jack, Jonnie and Mom.

(Left) Katie, Jack & Blake.

(Left) Katie, Rachel, Leah, Jacob & Mackenzie. (Mackenzie is our niece on Mark's side...they came to Steve's birthday party at the park!)

Rachel & Jacob showing how very much they love each other! LOL