Tuesday, November 14

Our Trip to Colorado Springs: May 2004

In May 2004 Mark had to go to Colorado Springs for business. I flew out at the end of the week and we spent the weekend with Jonnie and Steve. I have always wanted to go to the Royal Gorge so we all headed out there and enjoyed the beautiful scenery!

Mark and I pose infront of the Royal Gorge entrance.

Walking across this bridge was so freaky! It is nothing but slats of wood and you can see down through the cracks. What was even more freaky was when cars would drive across it!!!

All across the bridge there were signs for each state. Mark and I had to pose by the Iowa sign.

Steve poses by the sign above the highest part of the bridge. 1,053 feet above the Arkansas River.

Steve and I rode the Sky Tower. We were hoisted backward on a huge crane and then we released ourselves and sling-shot out over the gorge. It is the scariest thing I have ever done!!!

We are out above the gorge at this point.

This picture was taken as we flew past Jonnie and Mark as they watched us risk our lives! Jonnie and Mark passed on the opportunity to take this ride themselves!!!

Jonnie, Steve, Mark and I stop for a picture in front of the scenery.

We rode the tram cars to the bottom of the gorge. It was cool how we stood up in the cars all the way to the bottom. We got to see all the scenery.

You can see how far down the ride is from the top to the bottom in this picture. It's amazing how they dug out the path for these tram cars.

Enjoying the view from the bottom of the gorge.