We had a whirl-wind of a trip home to Iowa for Christmas. We left at 5pm on the 23rd and arrived in Sioux City at 8am on the 24th. We had Christmas Eve at Mark's sister's home on the 24th. On the 25th we had to be to Bronson for Christmas with the Hardy's at 8am. We then went back to Mark's parent's house for Christmas with the Rousselle's at noon. Then back to my parent's house for Christmas with the Moon's at 5pm. On the 26th we hung out at the hotel, where everyone was staying, so the kids could go swimming. Then that night we went to Town House to visit with all our Sioux City friends. We headed out at 9am on the 27th and we were home by 11pm on the 27th. It was a fun trip but too fast and much too crazy!

"Catch Phrase" a time honored Christmas tradition! I believe the females kicked some catch phrase booty this year!!!
Mark and I get some quality time with Katie and Rachel!
Mark helps Connor with a box...I'm not sure who looks more confused? Ha!

Christmas frenzy in the Rousselle household!

Lana and two of the greatest aunts on Earth... Jonnie and Paige!

This is what happens when you have first cousins and a niece 25 years younger than you!

Jacob doing....ummmmmm----errrrr,,,,well.....I have no idea? It's just a funny picture!
Leah, Katie, Jacob & Rachel take a break from the pool to pose for a picture.