On Valentines Day 2004 Mark woke me, all excited about something. He quickly told me it had snowed and to hurry so I could come look at it. Growing up in Iowa, where it snows 6 months a year... I was not nearly excited about the snow. I was actually more disappointed because I thought it would be my first winter to escape the snow!

The front of our house. As you can see the snow was quickly melting as the sun came up.

Our back yard looked odd with a full swimming pool and snow all around it. I'm use to swimming pools being drained where there is snow on the ground.

Another angle of the back yard showing the snow on the small area of grass that we have and on our one tree/bush in the back yard.

One last picture of the neighborhood with snow on the roof tops. Generally these are all dark brown due to the color of the shingles.