* Note: keeping checking out the "Spring has Sprung" entry. I continually add random pictures from this spring to that entry.
Our friends, Brandy & Jeremiah Bentley, had their 6th wedding anniversary and our other friend, Kelly Clark, passed her final exam for her masters degree. We decided to have them over for dinner and a dip in the pool to celebrate!
(Below) Olivia is so fun in the pool. She will stand in my hands and I lift her clear up in the air!

(Left & Below) Brandy swung Olivia back and forth while dipping her up & down in the water and Olivia just squealed and laughed!

(Below) Mark throwing Olivia up in the air... she still won't let go of those "Mingos"!

(Below) Kelly with Bruno. Bruno was very brave as he let her dunk his bottom half in the pool!
(Left) Bruno ended up falling in the pool on two different occasions so we had to take some safety precautions! Olivia's lifejacket came in handy! LOL
(Below) Jeremiah hanging out.
(Below) Olivia loves Aunt Kay Kay.