Ava Braelynne was born at 12:15pm via c-section. She was 8 lbs. 9 ozs. and 20 inches long. She is absolutely perfect and her heart shows no signs of an abnormality!
(Above) Ava 2 days old
(Above) Ava's Birth Announcement
The first bath was a little rough but Ava made it through and calmed right down. She had no trouble regulating her body temperature!
Yummy first bottle!
When I finally got into my room I had a chance to hold my baby girl! She was so beautiful!
Grandma Melanie and Grandpa Skip were in town to help us through the first couple weeks. They came to the hospital as soon as possible.
Olivia was wonderful with her new baby sister. She brought a gift and gave it to Ava and enjoyed opening her Play-Doh from Baby Ava!