Wednesday, October 22


[Archived under September 2008.]
I will continue to add new photos throughout the fall.

Saturday, October 18

Firehouse Tour: October 2008

Our MOMS Club went on a tour of the main firehouse in Pflugerville. The kids had a really good time and the firemen were so nice to the kids!

Pumpkin Patch: October 2008

We went out to the pumpkin patch in Elgin and had very fun day.

The hayrack ride was cute. It had stops along the way where you could get off and do activities.

Olivia had quite a bit of fun on this old tractor.

Climbing is always a hit with Olivia!

Picking out the perfect pumpkin.

Olivia wanted to climb the haybales in the haybale maze but they wouldn't let you climb on them. No fun!

This calf was 2 month old and would just hang out and let kids pet him.

Olivia didn't love the pony ride. She wouldn't hold onto the saddle b/c it was dirty.

But petting a mule is so very clean...

Billy goats, roosters & lama's, oh my!

Happy Birthday Mark: October 2008